11 Foods You Should Always Have At Home – Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks
Diet & Nutrition

11 foods: In everyday life, we often have stress: there is little room for a balanced diet. The time for meals is usually kept short.

The result is fast food and little variety on the plate. We go shopping with a growling stomach after work, always have these healthy 11 foods at home.

11 Healthy Foods

1. Legumes

  • Legumes are not merely prepared, but they are a suitable meat alternative, especially for vegetarians and vegans.
  • They are a supplier of vegetable protein and fibre, keep you full for a long time and prevent diabetes.
  • They also contain digestive ingredients. So always have a jar of lentils, corn, or beans in the pantry.

2. Oatmeal

  • Although oatmeal is not necessarily low in calories – around 370 calories per 100 grams – cereals help you lose weight.
  • How does it work? Thanks to long-chain carbohydrates, they keep blood sugar levels at a constant level.
  • Essential proteins and fibre, as well as vitamins and minerals, also contained in oatmeal.

3. Frozen Berries

  • Whether frozen or fresh, berries of all kinds are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are also extremely low in calories.
  • They are particularly suitable as a topping for your muesli, yoghurt, or as an ingredient in a smoothie.
  • The advantage of the frozen version, you can store berries all year round and always have some in stock.

4. Dried Tomatoes

  • Tomatoes are exceptionally healthy because of a substance: they contain lycopene, which is responsible for the red colour of the tomatoes.
  • But lycopene can do more than just stain. It has a positive effect on your blood vessels and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer or heart disease.
  • So always have a glass of dried tomatoes, tomato sauce, or juice at home.

Dried Tomatoes

5. Potatoes

  • There are around 70 calories per 100 grams of potatoes. The prejudice that the potato is a fattening agent is not valid.
  • In the form of french fries or salad, unwanted calories are hidden.
  • Tip: Cut potatoes into slices and bake in the oven; season with olive oil and spices. The result is a healthy, low-calorie meal.

6. Eggs

  • Eggs contain many substances that are important for a healthy body. The egg yolk, in particular, is rich in essential nutrients, including choline.
  • This is said to lower the risk of breast cancer. Other substances contained: vitamin D, vitamin B12, and vitamin A.

7. Quinoa

  • Although 100 grams of quinoa contains as many calories as the same amount of pasta or rice, the Inca superfood for losing weight is trendy.
  • The so-called “Inca Rice” contains only around five grams of fat. However, these have a large part of polyunsaturated fatty acids to offer.

8. Green Tea

  • A positive effect of green tea: it is a stimulant! Not as strong as with caffeine, but the hot drink cheers you up.
  • Also, the metabolism boosts, which helps you lose weight.

9. Nuts

  • It’s not for nothing that students rely on nuts for snacks: always have walnuts, hazelnuts, or almonds in your closet.
  • They help fight inflammation and contain essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.


10. Whole Grain Bread

  • It’s not always that easy with bread: you’ve bought too much – and again, it’s too hard.
  • Bread is also suitable for freezing. Just don’t forget to take the desired amount out of the freezer and thaw it in time.

11. Ginger Tuber

  • Ginger is a real all-rounder: it can function as a tea in hot water or grated to taste with rice dishes or soups.
  • It is also suitable for your health because it boosts blood circulation and metabolism.

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